Chiropractors (also known as “Chiropractic Physicians”) are Doctors of Chiropractic (or “DCs,”) which is why you see the initials DC to the right of DrC‘s name (M Castaneda, DC).

Today’s Doctors of Chiropractic (or “DCs”) are trained as “Primary Health Care Providers,”
which means they are practitioners of the healing arts that are trained to: Examine patients; analyze the results of tests; diagnose; and treat the patient’s health condition(s), as well as advise patients about methods of preventive health care. Consequently, Chiropractic Physicians can also do physical examinations for schools, sports, or work, and know how to refer to specialists when needed.

In practice, some DCs choose to specialize from within their broad scope of practice to serve in a more focused manner, and often refer to themselves as “Chiropractors” (as opposed to “Chiropractic Physicians”). This does not mean their training was any less comprehensive. It generally just means they have chosen to focus more on applying the Chiropractic (and less on the medical) aspects of their training, often because they seek to serve people better with their unique, non-duplicated skill set. In Dr. C’s case, this means specializing in the one skill set that sets Chiropractic apart – the function-restoring (and life-enhancing) ADJUSTMENT.

Many people are unaware of all the training that Chiropractic Physicians (or “Doctors of Chiropractic”) have gone through. To illustrate the complexity and depth of a Chiropractor’s studies, below is an overview of the training of a DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) and that of a conventional (Medical) Doctor (or MD).

If you are looking for a Chiropractor in Knoxville, TN and the surrounding areas call our office today to make an appointment.(865) 454-0313 or click here to schedule your appointment online.


Doctor of Medicine
         Course (Class) Doctor of Chiropractic
508 Anatomy 540
326 Physiology 240
401 Pathology 360
325 Chemistry 165
114 Microbiology 120
324 Diagnosis 630
112 Neurology 320
148 X-Ray 360
144 Psychiatry 60
148 Obstetrics 60
156 Orthopedics 210
2,706 2,887
Other Required Subjects
General Surgery
Spinal Adjusting
Extremity Adjusting
Advanced Radiology
Grand Total Class Hours
4248 4485
(The class hours for basic science comparisons were compiled and averaged following a review of curricula of 18 chiropractic colleges and 22 medical schools.) By Ronald J. Grisanti D.C.,D.A.B.C.O.,M.S.

Chiropractors and medical doctors have similar training regarding how the body works.
However, their approach to healing is different.

Sometimes, people imagine that it is a good idea to ask their Medical Doctor if Chiropractic can help them.
Medical Doctors however, do not receive any training in Chiropractic – just as Doctors of Chiropractic do not (normally) receive any training in pharmacology or dentistry.

Although Chiropractic is ultimately not about symptoms, research by the MEADE STUDY showed Chiropractic care yields superior results (compared to medical care) for low back complaints. Research also shows that Chiropractic care leads to better results for the treatment of whiplash symptoms. (QUEBEC TASK FORCE).

Chiropractic care has also shown better results when compared to medication in the reduction of symptoms from headaches and migraines.

Chiropractors have been trained to differentiate what they can help, what they may help, and what they should co-care. Ask Dr. C if Chiropractic can help you.

If you are looking for a Chiropractor in Knoxville, TN and or in the surrounding areas, call our office today to make an appointment (865) 454-0313, or simply click here to schedule your appointment online.

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