Why Practice from Home?

DrC A to Px Door looking at Horizon

Sometimes, people are surprised to find that
the office is in a space adjacent to our home.
When we first moved to Knoxville, TN,
I worked for a corporation that had Chiropractic offices throughout the country.
The pay was good, and the office above average in size,
with several rooms for patient care, x-rays, and administrative work.
The staff was pleasant, and the prestige very nice, yet…
The corporation OWNED me.

I would often head out to the office in the early morning,
before my children awoke,
and return in the late evening after they were asleep.
On Sundays (after church) my wife would drop me off at the office,
so that  I might “get a head start on the week” –
by reading X-rays until late at night, in preparation for the upcoming week.

Our oldest son was about 4 years old when he told my wife:
“Dada doesn’t live with us anymore, right momma?
He LIVES at the Dr’s office.”

(“From the mouths of babes…”)

And so, the idea of a Home Practice –
where I could care for patients,
and still be close enough to see our children grow –
was born. 🙂

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After any initial surprise (caused by driving into a residential neighborhood when first visiting the office) subsides, most folks find the cozy (separate) space makes their experience more relaxed, easy going – and more conducive to their healing.

We’re glad to have made the transition to this type of practice, and would like to share in the experience of it with you! O:-)