Dr. C Welcomes new patients and often sets aside some time each week
for New Patient Examinations and care outside of normal business hours.

hsc_insight_machineGenesis Chiropractic requests you fill out a New Patient Information Form to better focus on the comprehensive clinical history of your case before your New Patient Examination begins. You can  download and print this form to save time in office by bringing it with you already filled out to your first visit.
(Alternately, you’ll want to arrive 10′ prior to your appointment to complete it in office.)

Dr. C will give you the opportunity to communicate everything you know and feel about your situation,
while he listens to you patiently. He may have some questions to further discover how to best direct your care.

Your New Patient Examination will include: Spinal and other joint motion evaluation, muscle testing, any other necessary testing, a Nerve System Scan (surface EMG and Thermography), and MORE. Treatment (and / or an Adjustment – if not contra-indicated) is also included!

Depending on your condition,  radiographs (“x-rays”) may be ordered, but not every case requires x-rays.

You are expected to pay just $59 for your New Patient Examination / Adjustment.  (Yes, it routinely has a value of well over $210 in most offices).

After your New Patient Examination, we will reserve a convenient time to discuss your results. During this second visit – which has no cost for you if you decide to proceed with care (just $9 reservation fee otherwise), Dr C will share his observations about your case from your nerve system scans, neurological tests, X-rays (if applicable), and other examinations.
He will explain our objectives, and make recommendations as to your care (additional necessary tests, referrals, or other), possibly continuing care at this time.

 If care at Genesis is sought, he will take the time to discuss financials with you, and to help you find an approach that will be the best for your well-being (and finances).


At the end of your Care Plan Conversation visit,  you decide if care at Genesis Chiropractic is right for you. If you decide it is, your care and improved healing can begin (or continue) that very same day.

“I walked around in pain for over a year (while going through physiotherapy!) Dr. C took one look at me (and my x-rays) and knew what the problem was right away. I am now pain-free and training again.”

Brent Hunter, Amateur MMA athlete, Knoxville TN

If you are not sure you want to schedule a New Patient Examination at this time, (perhaps you are not sure if Chiropractic can help you) – remember that your Consultation is FREE, and your scheduling fee (just $9) for this initial visit will be cheerfully refunded if you (or Dr C) decide Chiropractic care at Genesis is not what would best serve you (yes, he’s referred many cases over the years).  You can schedule your  Free Initial Consultation from the button below:

Book Now!

If you are looking for a New Patient Chiropractic Examination in a caring and compassionate office in Knoxville, TN (and the surrounding areas) call our office today to make an appointment: (865) 454-0313 or just  click here to schedule your appointment online.

The Power that Created your Body – can still heal your body, and do so ideally.
God Gave you a self-healing mechanism… Call Dr. C to restore its function!
(865) 454-0313  


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